正压浓相气力输送技术具有系统简洁,布置灵活,运行可靠,自动化 程度高,系统投资省,输送灰气比高,流速低,维护工作量小和年运行费用低等特点,深受广大用户的欢迎。
正压浓相气力输送技术,可以根据各种情况和用户需要,选用L型泵 静压柱塞输送系统,T型泵集团流气力输送系统和NPD型泵动压悬浮气力输送系统。
Positive Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveyance Technology
Pneumplan Pneumati Conveyance Technology has such advantages as simple configuration,flexible and reliable operation,high auto control level,low initial investment,high ash/air ratio,less air consumption,small size conveying pipeline,low velocity,saved maintenance and annual operation cost.According to the special requirements of customer,we can offer L type conveyor static pressure plug flow pneumatic conveying system,T type conveyor group flow pneumatic conveying system NPD type conveyor dynamic pressure suspended flow pneumatic conveying system.
The Pneuplan positive dense phase pneumatic conveyance technology can handle the bulk material in size ranging from powder to granular such as fly ash,FGD system ash,CFB boiler bed sand and bottom ash,Pyrites,limestone powder,quartz flour,etc.
The applicable distance Pneuplan system can convey is between 50-1200m,among which the lift height is 75m,the conveyance capacity is up to 250t/h,the minimal temp of bulk material we transfer is -20℃ and the maximal 450℃
由于系统配置简洁,设备少,要求的电除尘器安装高度比较低,因此只需要较小的投资。 而由于设备可靠,检修维护量少,系统能耗低,所以只需较低的费用就可保证系统安全可靠的运行。
Pneuplan Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveying
System Ten CharacteristicS
1. Simple System Configuration
The moving parts of system are mininmized,only the Dome valve and In-line valve are moving parts.No other auxiliary equipment is required such as the fluidizing equipment of hoppers.The system has the flexibilty of running modes such as a continuous running mode or a periodic running mode according to the requirements.
2. high ash/air ratio
The system conveys the ash in a mode of "Plug" with low compressed air consumption to transfer much more material.The ash/air ratio can reach 80—100 max.taking the 100—meter distance of conveyance for example,the ash/air ratio is up t0 80kg/kg.
3.Low energy consumption
The energy consumption is far lower than any other conveying system since it needs a little compressed air and pressure.
4.Low transfer velocity
The system has a low conveying velocity normally 3m/s at the beginning and 7m/s at the end for L type conreyor
5.Lowwear of pipeline
The low ash conVeying speed keeps the pipe wear to the minimum for the reason that the wear of pipe is in cubic proporton to conveying speed.
6.Low initial and maintenance cost
The initial and maintenance cost of Pneuplan conveying system is saved due to the simple system cofiguration,less equipment required and the low erection height requirement of ESP The system ensure its normal operation in a state of reliable and robust construction with little maintenance and low energy consumption.
7.Advanced Pneuplan Done Valve
with its advanced and reliable air—sealed structure,long service life and convenient maintenance,the dome valve guarantees the operation cycles up to 1 million as the inflatable Pressure tight seal never contacts with the dome when opening or closing.
8. Unique Pneuplan In-line Valve
With the reliable structure and high Precision of machining,the in-1ine valve is developed specially for “plug” conveying system.The service life can reach 500 thousand operation cycles.
9.Reliable,long life and powerful pneumatic actuator
The actuator is easy to install almost everywhere thanks to its clever structure.It can be rotated at 90-degree intervals and the valve can be connected to either end of the shaft.If necessary,the valve can be manually secured at the free end of the shaft by using a key.The position of the actuator is clearly indicated by a direction arrow marked on the actuator.Even in abnormal condition,no leakage will occur if the seal is worn.
10.High control level
The system is automahcally controlled by PLC with which you can undertake three control modes in-cluding auto mode,manual mode and remote control mode.In normal condition the auto made is used.The system can realize the automatic collection of running data and failure signal.It also can automahcally analyze the data and estimate the fault.The alarm of malfunction can be achieved and classified.
Typical Structure and operation principles
气力输送系统的发送器以栓塞方式输送物料, 灰斗和发送器不需额外的流化,系统的典型结构如图所示。系统运行一般由五个阶段组成。
The conveying system is based on conveyors which send the ash in a non contimuous mode as “plug” without additional energy-intensive fluidizing. The typical Pneuplan pneumatic conveying system is a five-Phase process as described in the adjacent diagram
In Phase1 an extremely reliable and robust dome valve closes the conveyor's entrance opening.
In Phase2 conveyance air is led to the conveyor and starts the dense phase conveyance.
In Phase3 conveying air forces the ash Plug to move along the conveying pipeline.
In Phase4 air pressure is applied until the ash plug reaches the silo.
In Phase5 access air is exhausted from the silo through a dust filter.
The whole process including silo function is fully automated by PLC.Local manual control is always possible as well.